About SiglomLife

Springlife Global Church and Ministries, affectionately known as SIGLOMLIFE, is an apostolic community of God’s people. Not only are we a church that serves our community, but we are also a ministry that is reaching out to the rest of the world.
We are completely focused on our purpose, on the people we serve, and on changing lives.

Our Passion

We care deeply about people and strive to transform their lives through prayer, word, worship, and outreach.

Our Mission

Our mission is to bring to the world the manifest presence of Jesus through a divinely inspired, life-altering operation of the power of God.

Our Vision

Our vision is to spread the message of God's love throughout our neighborhood and beyond. Developing each individual to walk in his God-ordained destiny, consequently impacting his immediate world with a Christ-like character, power, and glory.

Praise Report

Encourage others by sharing how God has blessed you, and declare His glory in your life! Email us at siglomlife@gmail.com or  fill in the form below. Thank you!

In sharing my testimony to glorify God and encourage fellow believers, I agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. I give my irrevocable consent to have my testimony shared, without restrictions or limits, on all platforms of Siglomlife, Inc.
  2. I also give my irrevocable consent to Siglom to publish this testimony in all its publications and outreaches.
  3. I agree to provide complete contact information so that Siglomlife and/or its publisher(s) and/or licensees may contact me should the need arise.
  4. I agree to subject my testimony to editing for language and readability, and I understand that the editing team will make its best efforts to maintain accuracy.
  5. I agree to make no claim of any kind whatsoever (including but not limited to any claims of libel, slander, invasion of privacy, invasion of right of publicity, and/or copyright infringement) against the authorized entities in connection with the use of my testimony.
  6. I understand that my name may be changed to protect my privacy.
  7. I understand that this consent and release shall be governed by the laws of the United States and of the state of California.
  8. I give my testimony voluntarily and confirm that the information furnished is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
  9. I have read the foregoing and fully understand its contents.
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